Saturday, July 31, 2010

Just Trying to Feel Better Scrapping

So, yesterday Bri and I spent the day cleaning her
apartment til' it was spic and span. She then treated
me to lunch at Cafe Sabor which was delectable.
Energy yesterday, ill today. I was OK until noon then
I crashed after spending the morning cleaning my own
house. So to forget how lousy I feel, like I have the flu -
Dad doesn't feel well either so stay away! I worked on
sb pages for awhile and here is what I finished and some
are ones I just did this afternoon. Yes, I am going to miss
Grant. He is such a great kid and he is always willing to
hang out with me and explain the details of video games,
bow shooting, and hospital dramas when he was four. The
photos of Kylie were ones I took just prior to her USU grad.
That was a really fun day although it was so cold and it was May!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Payton in Pages

A new baby is like a blank canvas. Whatever colors, hues, shadows or blends we paint with
will be reflected in them. If only we knew how much our artistry mattered as we picked up
the brush to sketch the beginning of our masterpiece. I often wish I had chosen brighter colors
with less shadows, but fortunately babies grow and life has a way of evening out the tones.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

New Front Yard DONE!

Dad just finished mowing and trimming the lawn. He does such a good job.

He even agreed to mow every five days and set the mower blades half an

inch shorter just because I like the lawn to always look freshly cut. Thanks

Dad!! I can not even begin to count the hours Dad and I have spent on this

project. Last year he ripped out all the hedges and I picked out bucket loads

of white decorative rock that were underneath them. This year we had a

tree cutter take out a huge cottonwood that was near the front window. It

literally took days to haul off the wood chips after they chipped out the trunk.
Next we spent nearly two weeks bringing in scraps of sod that we also had to drive
to Mendon to pick up out of the large sod field. We wondered if they would grab hold.
While we were in Tennessee, they really caught on and every single piece is green now.

Then came the fun part. Choosing and planting all the flowers. I honestly think

that this summer alone I have planted nearly fifty flower starts. They are mostly

perennial so they will return each spring and continue to grow larger as the years

go by. Honestly, my biggest flower problem is that crazy cat, Charlie. He really

believes that is his personal litter box and green house. Every day I have to fix his

potty stops because he messes up the mulch and then on top of that he eats the

tall red oat grass because he thinks it tastes delicious. Every day I threaten him but

he just turns his nose up and walks on past because he knows his charm will win out.

The Callahan Crew

Upon arriving in Tennessee on June 1st at the Callahans' this is what we found:
1. Three awesome children that were so ready and willing to call us Grandma and
Grandpa. Within minutes of arriving they were all snuggled up on the couch with
me and then the top photo was snapped. The boys really enjoyed shopping at
Walmart with Grandpa that first day and I just enjoyed getting to know each child.
2. One very expectant Sherina and one very anxious Chad. He swears he had prego
cravings too. The photos were taken at Patriot Park in Pigeon Forge. It's a really
pretty place with a small stream running through it. We went there on our third
day with Sher and she was crazy enough to run a foot race with everyone.
3. A new attraction featuring genuine articles from the Titanic. We went there on our
way home from the park and just goofed around while we browsed outside. The
bottom two photos are in front of the boat as it cuts through the waves.
4. A bunch of kids who are very good bike riders. I rode along with them once in a
while because it was just to dang hot to walk. A hard working, fun loving Dad who
does all he can to keep everyone happy and kicks butt in Tai Kwon Do and can sing
with the best country music stars. A new mommy who tries daily to find balance
in her busy situation and a beautiful new baby girl who her family loves so much.
Grandpa and Grandma Miss Y'all! XOXOXOXOXOXO

Saturday, July 17, 2010

One Little Boy

.Cohen's favorite thing is to walk Aggie and as an ever faithful dog, Ag is just the best
about following along and never pulling to hard on his leash. This boy never stops.
.Erik hides his hats in the coat closet, but they certainly aren't hidden from Cohen.
Every day we got them out and he would give Grandpa and I our shoes, even when
we didn't need them on and then he would put Daddy's hat on our heads. Sometimes he
even gave us sunglasses to complete the ensemble.
.I am amazed at how well this boy eats. He is learning to enjoy berries, whole wheat bread,
pastas, casseroles and sour gummies. Oh, he does not like in any way, shape or form, baby food.
Eating is not a chore for him, it is an event complete with cartoons.
.My favorite was when Cohen and I would go on walks around the condos and he would hold
my finger with his chubby little hand. He always led the way because he always knows where
he wants to go - to the basketball court to shoot baskets, in his back yard to play in the sprinklers, or around the next condo unit to see the chickens and smell the flowers. We also
discovered a beautiful wind chime so I would always lift him up high so he could ring it.
.He hasn't seen Grandpa and I much in his short life so we were very happy that after about
the first 30 hours he became more comfortable with us. Once when I was playing peek-a-boo in the kitchen curtains with him and then again, when I was reading him a lizard story, Cohen gave me a real kiss. I was so so happy. He hardly ever gives kisses to anyone. I miss that boy and am more than thrilled that he and his family will be here in August. Can't wait for more adventures.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

USU Stadium Fireworks

Hurrah for the Red, White and Blue. My favorite holiday was spent with some of my very favorite people. Two days of celebrating and eating homemade cupcakes, Ginger Chicken, Kalua Pork, salads, baked beans and a pan of brownies. (I think L.J. claimed half of it but after all, I did make them for him :) I hope our grandchildren will learn to love and honor this great land and remember with gratitude the heroes who have fought to preserve our freedoms.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Precious Baby Payton

What an amazing, tender experience to watch little Payton

be born. The first thing we saw was a tiny little curl as she

crowned. Doctor Love teased Sher that he was going to give

the baby a hair cut before she arrived. Oh, how we enjoyed

those rare moments with our new little granddaughter while

we spent two weeks with her. She really was so snugly and

just enjoyed being cuddled all the time. When she was awake

she would intently look into my eyes and I would always tell

her about heaven and the divine purpose of her life here. She

just bound her little heart tight to mine and Grandpas'. It was

very difficult to leave her and Sher. I tried to talk Chad into

letting me pack Payton in my suitcase but he is too attached

to this new little one to allow that. Sher is a wonderful mommy,

Chad is a devoted daddy, and the three munchkins just adore

the baby and are always anxious to hold her for a little while.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

In Tennessee at some beautiful parks.
Truly the only place to go so one doesn't
turn into a cute little puddle with eyes.
Always so refreshing to be in the hills.